Claro, além de aquecer o coração dos solitários, a intenção é produzir um efeito placebo. Segundo a empresa pessoas comprometidas atraem muito mais pretendentes do que os solteiros. David Fuhriman, co-fundador do Cloud Girlfriend, diz que "o jeito mais fácil de se ter uma namorado é já tendo uma." E é assim, produzindo ciúme e inveja nas mulheres, que a empresa pretende te arrumar uma namorada.
Se o serviço dará certo só o tempo dirá. Mas que com certeza já tem dado o que falar, ah isso tem.
Abaixo e-mail de Fuhriman, disponiblizado pelo site Technology Review
There has been a lot of interest in the since we put up our launch page. We are currently building and will launch soon.
The site provides two main things:
1: Social Proof's tagline is, "The easiest way to get a girlfriend is to already have one". Providing social proof is important part of the dating process. We all look to cues to help us navigate through life. Blogs discussing have commented about only socially awkward people needing a site like this. This isn't true, but does prove the need for the site. People who use the site don't want to be labeled, so they can use the site to jumpstart the process of changing social perceptions about themselves.
2: Placebo Effect
The users of the site will get a therapeutic effect by using the site. In Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs the base of the pyramid is physiological which is followed by safety and then love/belonging and esteem. is not a new virtual porn site or an adult chat service. Those services attempt to fill a physiological need, but it does not satisfy intimacy and friendship. Those things do not build self-esteem or confidence. can fulfill Maslow's higher needs, even though the users know that the interaction is virtual. They will interact with a real person and see real profile images of the girl with whom they interact. This interaction can build confidence and esteem as well as provide real training experiences in navigating a friendship and a relationship. is a service and we have a network of real people, not bots to manage the interaction. There will be no distinguishing features on social network profiles. will enhance and not dilute the experience of users on social networks. We expect log-ins, time spent on site and page views to increase for people who are connected to a Cloud Girlfriend. Besides, there will always be more profiles of dogs and cats on social networks than there will ever be of Cloud Girlfriends.
Co-founder of
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